Symptoms of Crystal Meth Use
There is a long list of common symptoms of crystal meth use. General indicators that someone is "tweaking" or using meth include grinding teeth, obsessive picking of the face or body, hallucinations (auditory or visual), euphoria, extreme energy, abstaining from sleep for 2-3 days, dramatic weight loss, paranoia, and aggressive behavior. Have you have been watching someone you love and are your suspicions are pointing towards crystal meth abuse? If you see symptoms of use, don't ignore them. Go with your instincts and get involved. In a loving and caring manner, let them know that you will help them seek the counseling they need to rid themselves of crystal meth or any other drug addiction problem.
Crystal meth is a stimulant drug composed of methamphetamine. It may also be called Ice, Glass, Tina, and Chalk. This drug is taken orally, snorted, injected, or smoked by drug users. Stimulants create their effect by altering chemicals in the brain that produce good feelings. Crystal meth is one of the most addictive drugs abused today.
Short term symptoms of crystal meth use include increased alertness, a sense of well-being, paranoia, an intense high, hallucinations, aggressive behavior, increased heart rate, convulsions, extreme rise in body temperature (as high as 108 degrees which can cause brain damage and death), uncontrollable movements (twitching, jerking, etc...), violent behavior, insomnia, impaired speech, dry and itchy skin, premature aging, rotting teeth, loss of appetite, acne, sores, and numbness. Some of the symptoms of crystal meth use that affect the mind include disturbed sleep, excessive excitation, excessive talking, panic, anxiousness, nervousness, moodiness, irritability, false sense of confidence and power, and delusions of grandeur leading to aggressive behavior. Users also commonly become uninterested in friends, sex, or food, exhibit aggressive and violent behavior, and experience severe depression.
After excessive meth abuse, there are long term symptoms of crystal meth use. These long term symptoms include fatal kidney and lung disorders, possible brain damage, depression, hallucinations, disorganized lifestyle, permanent psychological problems, violent and aggressive behavior, weight loss, insomnia, behavior resembling paranoid schizophrenia, decreased social life, malnutrition, poor coping abilities, disturbance of personality development, lowered resistance to illnesses, liver damage, stroke and even death. After methamphetamine use is stopped (known as “crashing”), several withdrawal symptoms may occur. These withdrawal symptoms of crystal meth use include: depression, anxiety, fatigue, paranoia, aggression, an intense craving for the drug, insomnia, restlessness, and mental confusion.